Questionnaire Survey

How many days for camp that you think it could be the best for you ?
Days for camp Amount
5 day 11
7 day 6
10 day 3
14 day 4
รวม 24
Organizing the camp inside or outside university do you prefer ?
Organizing the camp Amount
outside 20
inside 4
รวม 24
What the best price that you can afford for this camp?
The best price Amount
7000 1
6000泰铢 1
6000 5
5000人民币 1
5000 4
4000 3
3000 2
2w 泰铢 1
2000 2
1000rmb 1
1000¥ 1
1000 1
฿6000 1
รวม 24
What month would you like us organize this camp
Month Amount
January 1
February 0
March 1
April 8
May 9
June 4
July 1
August 2
September 3
October 2
November 1
December 2
รวม 34
Which activity do you like the most ?
Activity Amount
Thai food 3
Thai Dressing 5
Jewelry Making 9
Local Community 0
Shopping 15
Beach 19
Durian Land 1
VDO Competition 1
Star Camp 2
Farewell Party 5
รวม 31
Suggestion and Recommendation
1. 好
2. 无
3. Great
4. Food and water are less sugar.
5. Having more creative activities to build relation among the member of the group